The Bund, Shanghai, China

Day 4 – Black and white photo challenge

Day 4 of 5 of black and white photo challenge.  Each day I am trying to post a photo that is taken from a different camera and a different medium.  Today I am back on large format but with a different lens and film from day 1.  This was shot at the Bund in Shanghai, China.  Photo taken with Graflex Speed Graphic + Fujinon 65mm f5.6 lens + Shanghai GP3 film.  Developed with Guan long d76 + Guan long F5 Fix, scanned with Epson Perfection V700. Today i nominate Pouya Ash for the BW photo challenge, in which to post one BW photo per day for 5 days and also nominate someone each day because it’s fun.

The Bund, Shanghai, China
The Bund, Shanghai, China
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