A couple of months ago, I opened up my Revue 400 SE to try to fix the light meter again as it was two clicks off. Finally developed the test roll I did a couple of months ago. It looks like the problem is fixed! Kodak Tri-X 400, developed in Kodak d76, fixed in Kodak Rapid Fix, scanned with Epson Perfection V700.
Here is the facebook post regarding the fix:
Operating on the two Revue 400 SE cameras that I got a while back. One of the unit’s lightmeter is 2 clicks off! The photoresistor is old and way off. The radio shack replacement Cds resistors didn’t work. Maxing out the bias variable resistors inside and pushing the supply battery to 1.5V (instead of 1.35V) corrected only one click. So if I use iso 400 film, i just need to dial the iso setting to 800 and now the light meter is spot on!

I am quite happy with the result, looks like the meter is fixed!